Timothy McLanahan CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®, CPFA™

Principal and Shareholder

Timothy McLanahan, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®, CPFA™ is a Principal and Shareholder of Becker Suffern McLanahan. Tim has studied extensively in the general field of Estate Planning obtaining his Chartered Life Underwriter degree and Chartered Financial Consultant degree. Additionally, he has been designated as an Accredited Estate Planner. Tim is a firm believer in donating his time and talent towards civic endeavors and has done so for several organizations and schools during his career. He currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Metropolitan Crime Commission. Tim is a graduate of Tulane University receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Management. 

Tim believes in a holistic approach to serving his client’s financial needs including design and implementation of a retirement plan, IRA, taxable investments and insurance in the right combination for the clients that he serves. With over 30 years in the Financial Services Industry, Tim knows that every client is unique and therefore there is no “one size fits all” solution to solving financial puzzles.